The Military On-Site Training (MOST) program's mission is to enhance the readiness posture of US Army Reserve, National Guard, as well as Active Duty units by delivering cost-effective and flexible skill-based face-to-face training.
College credit may be available depending on training location. Instruction can be customized to meet the specific needs of each command. Courses can be scheduled to coincide with drill weekends, annual, weekly, or pre-deployment training.
For Reserve component units, significant savings can be achieved by bringing the training to your soldiers. Sending unit members to distant locations can become cost prohibitive as the number of soldiers requiring training increases.The MOST program is designed to significantly reduce the unit's associated cost of travel, per diem, and MSA/UTA funding.
Contact us today at (620) 796-4868 or militaryprograms@bartonccc.edu to explore tomorrows training opportunities!
Our instructor cadre consists of dedicated subject area experts with extensive military backgrounds, bringing real-world experience into the classroom. The MOST program teaching philosophy is to provide a high quality, effective, and positive skills-based education. Our approach is to teach the warrior, not the book. The goal is for every Soldier to leave the class with a thorough understanding of the course material and the ability to begin using their new skills immediately in the unit.
Available Training
Available courses include:
Air Load Planner Course
CBRN Defense Course
Digital Training Management System (DTMS)
Field Sanitation Team Training
Unit Armorer Course
Unit Load Team Course
Check out the Course Descriptions webpage for course details.
The MOST program training opportunities are available in many locations. Contact the MOST program today to learn more! Recent locations that we have provided training include, but are not limited to, these active and Reserve/National Guard installations:
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.
Fort Belvoir, Va
Fort Benning, Ga.
Fort Gordon, Ga.
Fort Huachuca, Az.
Fort Irwin, Ca.
Fort Knox, Ky.
Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
Fort Leavenworth, Ks.
Fort Meade, Md.
Fort Sheridan, Il.
Fort Sill, Ok.
Kadena Air Force Base, Okinawa, Japan
KSARNG & USAR Units throughout Ks.