Check out course descriptions below.
This course provides an overview of responsibilities as an Air Load Planner representative. The course is designed to educate unit movement representatives with the knowledge and skills required to conduct airlift planning as part of a joint airlift operations.
Qualifies personnel as unit NBC Defense Officers/NCOs as required by AR 350-1 (one officer and one enlisted alternate per company) and to train those individuals in techniques needed for combat operations in a chemical, biological and nuclear environment. The course prepares the students to function as unit NBC Defense Officers/NCOs and includes: chemical, biological and nuclear defense organization and training requirements; chemical agents-physiological effects, protective measures and first aid; biological agents-physiological and physical effects, field behavior and first aid; protective measures and effects of nuclear weapons (blast, heat, initial and residual radiation, and electro-magnetic pulse), protective measure, yield estimation, fallout prediction and operational aspects of radiation; NBC reports, maintenance and use of chemical, biological, nuclear, and radiological defense equipment and material; individual and collective protection; decontamination; and Smoke Pot requirements and effects of weather and terrain on smoke.
This course provides training managers at the company, battalion, and brigade level with hands-on instruction on the functional operation of the Digital Management System (DTMS). Instruction covers basic systems access including unit training management, enrollment, Battle roster analysis, ad-hoc and status reporting, seat allocations, soldier and organizational participation tracking, class scheduling, real time event and resource management, tracking new equipment training as well as sustainment training. Additionally, IAW AR 350-1, ATN, students will receive an introduction to Combined Arms Training Strategies (CATS).
Provides formal training to unit level Field Sanitation members. This course will cover basic, informative knowledge and practical training necessary to keep people healthy when local infrastructure is not available using Preventive Medical Measures (PMM).
Provides sustainment training to enlisted personnel in the operation and management of the unit arms room, maintenance of weapons, required forms and reports, and physical security IAW AR 190-11. This course also includes physical security and proper physical security inspections conducted by your PMO.
This course is designed to train an individual on procedures to transport equipment by rail and aircraft. Students that complete this course will be qualified to train smaller groups at their military unit(s) on the proper procedures to load equipment on rail and aircraft.